
12 Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Camping/RVing Trip!

Hello Friends!

It’s that bewitching time of year again; as Halloween is quickly approaching. Some of you are probably winding down your camping trips and have maybe even begun winterizing your rigs. I know–it’s horrifying to think about!

Spooky October outing in the woods

Some of you though, like me, are kicking and screaming NO!, trying to extend the season; getting in as many excursions as possible! Whatever time of year it is–spring, summer, fall or even winter, here are some common mistakes that can haunt your camping/RVing trip:

1.   Not Planning Far Enough In Advance–This is a big one!  I’ve heard some people say “camping is too much work.”  It certainly can be if you don’t plan ahead.  It is crucial that you have everything you need, you know where it is, and your set-up & break-down routine is a breeze not a beast!  Practice at home and it will be easy when you get to the campsite.

2.   Not Making A List (and checking it twice)–wait, that’s Christmas! Doesn’t matter, it is SO important! You must make a list. I suggest doing a rundown in your driveway.  From cooking, sleeping, hygiene/toilet, heating/cooling, lighting, to recreation, pet/kid needs, power, relaxing, fire building, tools, vehicle maintenance, emergency items and more. That’s a lot of stuff! You bought a new cook stove–awesome!  You get to the campsite and realize you forgot the propane/butane–your hair-raising words are heard all over the campground!

3.   Not checking to make sure supplies have been replenished–Once you have stocked your camper, RV, van, or backpack–make a note after each trip of what you have and don’t have. Chances are you forgot something.  It may take several trips before you get everything in your rig that you need/want. After you get all the general gear in place, all you will need to replenish is food and things like paper towels, foil, toilet paper, personal products, etc. Don’t get shocked–restock!

4.   Not calling ahead to verify info (reservations, restrictions, etc.) You don’t want any spooky surprises! Whether you’re staying at a campground or boondocking in a national forest, it’s a good idea to call beforehand to verify reservations, permits, trail conditions, closings and such. Imagine going camping with plans to hike a specific trail just to find out when you get there that it’s closed due to maintenance, forest fire, or whatever. You can certainly check on-line for information, but remember that’s only as good as the person in charge of updating the website.

5.   Not preparing for weather— You’re not magic and can’t predict the weather, but your smart phone can, so always check the forecast.  Even so, Mother Nature has a mind of her own, so be prepared for anything! Pack clothes and gear for everything.

6.   Not packing emergency gear/first aid kit–Hopefully you won’t have any accidents involving blood and bones or encounter any other scary situations, but you never know what can happen so better safe than sorry. Make sure you have what you need to accommodate a variety of mishaps.

7.   Not researching your destination–If you’ve followed Gal Gone Camping, you know how many times I have mentioned this.  Do your research before you make a track.  If you read up on your location you will have a general idea of the area, what’s close by, what you can and can’t do, what to expect, and so on. Also–it is so much fun to read about a place and then see the signs and scenery as you approach your destination.  Very exciting!…enchanting even!

“It was a dark and scary night”…loved it!

8.   Not letting someone know your travel plans–This is super important y’all!  Whether you are on a long trip or just a day hike, ALWAYS let someone know where you are going and what time you expect to arrive and depart.  If something should happen someone will know where to look for you. You may not be superstitious, but you don’t want to disappear either!

9.   Not checking your rig and gear before you leave–Make sure you get that oil changed, tires checked, battery tested, etc.  Does your tent have a leak? You don’t want to find out in the middle of the night when the rain hits.  Are your power sources charged up? Are batteries fresh or are they dead?  No lights at night in a deep dark forest can be creepy! 

10. Not testing your gear–You bought some cool new gear–that’s great!  However, be sure you test it all to get familiar with it.  Don’t buy a new tent and wait until you get to the campsite to set it up.  It will take forever and you’ll end up frustrated and howling!

11. Not leaving your worries and cares behind! You want to be treated not tricked. Clear your mind not your desk and don’t be afraid of taking time away from work.  It will be there when you get back and trust me–you’re never gonna get caught up anyway, so don’t waste you’re time worrying about it.  I will be writing a post soon about the the healing benefits of nature/camping.  We stay so stressed with all the responsibilities we have, it’s hard to wind down and relax.  Your camping/RV trip is your time alone or with your family and friends so enjoy every moment.

12. (Optional) Not bringing any spiritsI’m not talking about ghosts and goblins either–HaHa!

Gal Gone Camping in disguise–may have had a spirit or two…

It may seem like a lot to do to get ready for a camping/RV trip but don’t be frightened. Just take the time to prepare and you’ll avoid a nightmare. I hope you find these tips helpful.  If so, subscribe to the blog for more info.  Share with your Facebook and Instagram friends too.  Happy and safe travels to everyone.


See ya down the road,


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