
Tidbits, Tips & Info on Assorted Travel/Camping Topics…11 Ideas You May Want To Try!

Hello Friends!

Like many of you, I am staying close to home base, even though I am outside nearly every single day; enjoying this beautiful spring weather! (See my latest adventure on the Gal Gone Camping Facebook and Instagram pages–please Like & Share!)  Since my on the road adventures are on hold until this terrible pandemic is over, I thought I’d throw out a  hodge-podge of hints you may find useful. These are tips I jotted down in my handy-dandy little notebook I keep with me always. Yes, I know I can use my phone for that; I choose not to.

So here ya go…11 uncategorized, hopefully helpful ideas:

1–Fundraiser Destination
Every town has events to raise money for some cause.  Why not plan a trip around an event that will raise money for something you are passionate about.  Not only will you enjoy the festivities, but you will be contributing to a worthy purpose, and you’re sure to meet a lot of great people who share your interest.  While there, you can explore the area and take in all it has to offer. Search Google for ideas. For example, I Googled ‘animal fundraising events in western states.’ One listing that popped up was ‘The Top 41 Events in Seattle for Pet Owners and Animal Lovers Alike.’  Seattle is a great city and there’s lots of sites to see in Washington.  How much more gratifying your trip will be by participating in a local fundraiser. Your memories will be extra special!

Take these everywhere you go!

2–Flavored Drink Packets
I probably mentioned this somewhere in food/money saving tips, but here it is again.  Flavored drink packets are awesome! Lightweight, easy to pack option for adults and kids.  Why buy soda when you can just add flavoring to water? Inexpensive and much healthier for sure.  Restaurant drinks are usually anywhere from $1.59 to $2.59. Save money by ordering ice water and adding a flavor packet. You can get 8 packets in a box at Dollar General for $1.00!  For a family of 4 you could save around $6.36-$10.36 on restaurant drinks alone!  I am hooked on the pineapple and lemonade flavors!

3–Water Shoes
Did you know water shoes are great to wear while driving? I know some people wear slippers when driving long distances; I did too until I discovered that water shoes feel like race car driver shoes–not that I have ever worn race car driver shoes, but it seems like what they would feel like.

Water shoes are great for driving!

They are lightweight, hug your foot, have a good flat rubber sole so your heel is not propped up which can cause leg discomfort. The air holes keep your feet cool even with socks. I wear them for house slippers now as well, but keep a separate pair for wearing in water. BEWARE–if you feel like a race car driver, you may tend to drive like one!

4–Solar Stake & Rope Lights
I love anything solar and using solar stake lights to put up around your campsite is a practical way to light up the area. The cheap ones are fine for this purpose; just a buck each at Dollar General. Solar rope lights are a great option that can be used on the ground to surround your camper, RV, van, car, tent or whatever you camp in. They can also be used to wrap around trees, posts, or awnings. Both options provide safety and light up a dark area in a decorative way.  It’s good to keep both on hand because sometimes the ground may be too hard for stake lights, so the rope lights are perfect. I got mine from Harbor Freight love that place!

Inexpensive solar stake lights light up the campsite

5–Get Help With the Techy Stuff
If you would like to start a blog, YouTube channel, or other social media marketing platform but you’re not good with the technical stuff, get help! Find a high school or college student or plead for assistance from a good tech friend like I did. (Thank you James Burchett–love ya!) Pay them to help you set up your program but be sure to learn all you can so you can do as much as possible yourself. I’ll admit, the techy stuff doesn’t come easily to me, but I love it when I learn something new; especially if it has the potential to make this gal some money! For technical support service, contact James Burchett at

6–Explore the Ordinary
Be sure to enjoy what’s in your own backyard.  Every rural area, small town, and big city has something unique to discover.  It’s great to venture out to far away places, but many times we forget what our own area has to offer because we live there and just become blind to it over time. You may find something you didn’t even know about.  Recently, I discovered a little bakery in a neighboring town and learned that on Sundays, they give away their left over cupcakes! (Donations appreciated–jar on counter) I had the most pleasant conversation with a sincere young lady there who was as sweet as the cupcakes were. She was so passionate about her little town and her customers; and what a blessing to find people who give God all the glory!  Did I mention the cupcakes were awesome?! Sugar Momma’s, Inez, KY. Find them on Facebook.

Save $$$, split a meal or dessert with a friend

7–Split a Meal Deal
Would you agree that most restaurants serve pretty large portions? Some are certainly enough for two people so why not share?  This is a great way to cut down on your portion size and save money at the same time.  Even if you don’t split the meal, you should split the dessert and cut down the calories! Before the pandemic shutdowns, a friend and I shared the most wonderful hot fudge cake at Angie’s Cast Iron Grill in Paintsville, KY.  Half of it was a perfect portion size for each of us…even though we both could’ve eaten one ourselves! Check them out on Facebook! 

Vinegar–a ‘must have’ item

8–Vinegar Is Your Friend
You may know that using a vinegar and water solution is great for cleaning and sanitizing.  It can also be used as a disinfectant and draws out the soreness from a bee sting.  It’s great to clean coffee makers, microwaves, glass, and much more. You can use it in cooking of course but did you know you can make cornbread with it?   My usual way of making cornbread is with buttermilk, but it ruins cause I use so little of it, and certainly don’t use it when camping.  I don’t drink regular milk either, so I never have it on hand.

Homemade ‘no milk’ cornbread!

Instead, I have found that it’s just as good by just using a little vinegar with water along with the regular ingredients of cornmeal, flour (my preferred brand for both is Hudson Cream), egg, a dash of salt and a little (optional) sugar. Bake in a traditional oven or stove top oven.  You can also bake it on a regular stove top, camp stove or campfire, just flip to brown the top. Always use an iron skillet!

9–Binder Clips
Large and small…I love em! So many uses–from clipping together potato chip and other bags, to tarps and so much more. I use the small ones to clip my outside decorative lights on my camper van or shade tent.

Multi-purpose binder clips

The wire part is similar to an eye hook; great for threading through ropes or cords. You can hang them on a nail and clip whatever you need to, and they also make great bookmarks.  You’ll be surprised how many uses you will find for them.

10–Fresh Fire Starter
Don’t throw out those used dryer sheets–they make great fire starting material. Lightweight and totally not bulky, you can store a bag of them anywhere. You will have the freshest fire around, haha!

Recycled fabric softener sheets

11–Give God Credit
Remember to thank God for the privilege and ability of experiencing all of His beautiful creation! What a blessing to be able to enjoy life’s true treasures!

What a blessing!                                                                                                                              Well, there you have it folks…I told ya it was a hodge-podge of info, but I hope you enjoyed it.  If you did, please subscribe to this blog so you will be notified when the next post is published. Be sure to follow, Like & Share Gal Gone Camping on Facebook and Instagram as well.

Hopefully this pandemic will be over soon.  I can’t wait to share more adventures with y’all. Until then, be safe and remember….DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
