
Stay Calm, De-Stress, Simplify…12 Tips To Make Your Life More Peaceful!

Hello Friends,

I know! It’s been a while since my last post! I’ve been busy trying to get my YouTube channel going…shewww, that is work, and I need your help!   If you all would be so kind to hop over and subscribe to the Gal Gone Camping YouTube channel at I would certainly appreciate it.  I just got back from another adventure that included breaking down on Beale Street in Memphis, TN!  In fact, that’s the next video coming out, so you don’t want to miss this one! I think you’ll enjoy the YouTube channel.  It’s fun and informative…plus you get to see me get into all kinds of predicaments!

Relax, simplify, de-stress and stay calm y’all!

So how is everyone doing?  These are stressful times indeed and we can all use ideas that may help us have less worry and anxiety, settle us down, and keep us calm.  I’ve discussed stress on this blog before and how important it is to simplify your life for your physical and emotional health, personal achievement, and your overall well-being. As I was thinking of some things that have helped me, I thought I’d share them with you.  So, here are tips that you might want to try too…

1–Stop using an alarm clock!  Some of you may think that’s impossible, but it really is. You just need to train your body to get into a routine.  If you already have a daily routine and you go to bed about the same time every night, more than likely you wake up before the clock goes off anyway.  Why is this important you ask?  Because awaking to a stark, startling sound is not only a shock to your brain, but it is annoying and immediately makes your angry and irritated.  Not a good way to start your day.  Instead, try to get in the habit of going to bed early enough to wake up when you need to–naturally.  You will feel much better when you can take a few moments to collect your thoughts, meditate, pray, stretch, exercise, etc. instead of waking up in such a hurry.  I hate to be rushed! I haven’t set an alarm clock in years–unless I have to be somewhere super early–like catching an early flight!

2–Stop watching the news!  With everything that’s going on, I understand how a lot of people are glued to the news, but if you watch too much it will suck the life out of you–especially with this COVID situation. I watch it about once a week now.  Of course you need to be informed, but not infiltrated. How can you stay positive when you’re surrounded by negative news? You will become sad and depressed.  Don’t fall for it!

3–Take your lunch to work.  It will not only save you money, but not going out for lunch will save time.  You can use that time for a well deserved break and do something positive for yourself.  Instead of scrolling through Facebook, take a walk, read that book (not news), or work on a personal project that brings you joy.  You’re day will be more pleasant and fulfilling.  Eat something healthy for an added benefit!

4–Don’t rush!  Do everything you can to prevent yourself from being in a hurry.  I hate being rushed, it causes stress and anxiety and we sure don’t need any more of that!  Some things I have found helpful:
–Know what you’re going to wear the night before.
–Keep makeup to a minimum. Don’t spend an hour putting on your face; same goes for your hair. You already look fabulous darling!
–Easy wear jewelry only!–earrings with lever backs or no backs, slip on necklaces and bracelets, chains with magnetic clasps.
Don’t you hate it when you can’t get a piece of jewelry fastened? Eliminate the problem!

5–When stuck in traffic…Listen to calming music, audio books, keep aroma therapy options in vehicle, breathe deeply, think about pleasant things, remember it could be that if you had not been held up in traffic, you could’ve been in an accident. If you’re like me, you can pray for patience and to not say curse words!

6–Pray, meditate, read the Word. Nothing brings peace like knowing this world is just a stop over point. There’s a better day coming and a perfect place waiting for us if we believe in Jesus.

7–Immerse yourself in nature as much as possible!  Let the sunshine, wind, grass, trees, flowers, animals, water, moon and stars soothe your soul and heal your spirit. The more you can be outside, the better.

8.–Get as much exercise as possible.  Walk, run, hike, bike, jump rope, stretch, yoga, sports, or work out to a video.  Any kind of movement helps you physically, but also helps your mental state; is a great way to de-stress!

9–Say NO to things you don’t want to do. You won’t do your best at anything if you’re not into it. Being overloaded is a huge stresser, so free up your time as much as possible. Just say NO!

10–Break down tasks into small portions; one at a time. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you from feeling so overwhelmed.  For example, if you’re entire house is a wreck, don’t try to clean the whole thing in one day. Just do a room or even a section at a time, then the job won’t seem so enormous.

11–Let it go! Don’t hold on to grudges and anger. Stop being offended at everything. Ask yourself if what you’re upset about is really gonna matter a 100 years from now.  When you think about it like that, it really puts the issue into perspective.

12–Live your life!  You all know I always sign off my blogs and YouTube channel with “Don’t Wait To Live!”  It’s true things are a mess right now; and they’re gonna get worse, but we can still enjoy things in a safe manner.  You have to go on living and be happy anyway.  We only have so much time on this earth and we don’t have assurance of our next breath. So, if not now, when?

Relaxing spot at Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch, Hurricane Mills, TN!

You may say I live in my own little world…well yes I do and I love it there, it’s awesome! The less you can have to do with the world the better in my opinion. Jesus talked about being IN the world but not OF the world.  See which world you like the best!

Take care my sweet friends, stay safe, and as always, remember...DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
