
Happy Holidays! Sorry…I Did It Again! A Look Back On 2020, Thoughts For 2021

Hello Friends!

Well, I did it again y’all, I let too much time lapse since my last post.  It would be very easy to blame it on 2020, but that would be a lie. The truth is, this gal just has too many irons in the fire! It also seems to take me longer to get things done these days.  Why does my mind race but my body drags? Guess I can blame that on 2020; being another year older and feeling it.

Social distancing is nothing new to me!

So…Happy Holidays! Can you believe this year is nearly over? I know what you’re thinking…”Thank God!” right? While no one could’ve predicted what we would go through this year, we’re alive and can see the horizon of 2021. Knowing what some people have endured and lost, makes me want to fall on my knees and thank God for his mercy, grace, love and protection. As I reflect on this past year, I have to say that other than minor inconveniences, I’ve had a great year.


I spent a beautiful New Year’s Day visiting a local historical site I hadn’t been to in years–Jenny Wiley Grave and the River, KY swinging bridge. (See that adventure on the GGC Facebook page) That night I did come down with a bad stomach bug that added to the previous month’s illness continuing its grip on me…which did not completely end until the first week of February and later made me wonder if I had COVID and didn’t know it. That’s the sickest I had been in 20 years!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, my plans for the 2020 RTR (Rubber Tramp Rendzevous, a huge nomad rally) in AZ fell through, a real disappointment because I’ve been trying to get out there for the last 3 yrs! I thought since it was the 10th annual event it would be even more special, but it was not meant to be.  For the first time ever, I purchased travel insurance (Travel Guard) with my flight. Turns out that was a good move; they came through and I got reimbursed for the cost of my flight.

Huntington WV Boat & RV Show

My friends at Setzer’s World of Camping were gracious enough to let me set up my booth along with theirs at the Huntington WV Boat & RV Show. What a fun day that was! I had just started my first line of GGC merchandise…not knowing that all fairs, festivals and other events would be canceled in the coming months.

I love Nashville!

January also saw me and my dear friend Mary in Nashville for an fun getaway–just two weeks before the devastating tornado that hit Music City. (God’s protection in action). Read about that adventure here.


My friend Angie and I attended the Peace, Love & Art Show at the Grayson Gallery & Art Center in Grayson, KY. What a cool little place! I met some great folks, enjoyed local music, art, sweet treats, and…found an open mic venue; making a note to throw down some of my original songs there in the future! Check out their Facebook page.


On the 17th I wished my FB followers a Happy St. Patrick’s Day dressed in a full on leprechaun outfit!  By the 18th, news hit that we were in a world-wide pandemic. Everything shut down, all my planned events and trips were canceled, and hysteria followed with a shortage of toilet paper and sanitizing products. I felt like I was in a science fiction movie!  I dodged a lay-off with my employer where 65 others were not as fortunate. I found myself working from home–which I loved. (God’s mercy at work)

I enjoyed every minute of the shutdown.  It allowed me time to work on my music, finish reading a book I started forever ago, get back to writing a book I had started, shoot videos for the upcoming YouTube channel, go on some local hikes and treasure hunts, work on my camper van, vintage travel trailer, minivan conversion, write more blog posts, get things done at home, and though it doesn’t sound like it…RELAX!


I picked up a cool little work-at-home side job that allows me to work whenever my schedule fits…which suits me perfectly.

We had great weather this year!

We had some incredibly beautiful spring days which I took full advantage of by being outside as much as possible.  I remember one day in particular–I was on my deck, listening to all the sounds of nature, basking in the warm sun and a light breeze, just thanking God for all His blessings.  I felt so alive and in touch with Him….you know what I mean if you’ve ever felt his presence…it’s powerful.

One of many trails I was on this year…


May found me shooting my very first YouTube video as I launched the Gal Gone Camping YouTube Channel, a project I had been working on for months! I hiked a beautiful trail that day too since it was in the same location as where the video was being filmed–Jenny Wiley State Park, Prestonsburg, KY.

I was blessed to spend another Mother’s Day with my mom whose health has been steadily declining. We went shopping and I bought her a hydrangea which has flourished and she is still talking about today. We picked up lunch in a drive through because all inside restaurant dining was halted. We drove to the lake and enjoyed our meal there. (God’s love in motion)

Up close and personal with Grayson Lake!

May also brought another adventure in the Grayson, KY area–this time with my childhood friend, Anita, as we took off to Grayson Lake.  We hiked a beautiful trail there, found an interesting track, and ran into a surprise! You can see that adventure here.


June allowed me to once again spend a very special day with my mom when we finally made it to the ARK Encounter in Williamstown, KY.  I had planned to take her last year but she wasn’t up to it. What an incredible experience! You can see that adventure here…  We camped at Three Springs Campground where I had a reservation booked for the trip last year. They did not charge me a deposit for having to cancel and graciously let me reschedule. (God’s grace prevails) You can see photos and video from there on GGC FB page.

ARK Encounter, Williamstown, KY–A Must See!

To kick off summer and the YouTube channel announcement, I had a prize drawing where I gave away a $50 Bass Pro Shop gift card–also to say thank you to everyone who has supported me in the Gal Gone Camping project.

In the ‘Mini-Ett,’ on the banks of the Kanawha River, St. Albans, WV

June also took me on a WV adventure where I found some free BLM (Bureau of Land Managment) camping at a neat little park in St. Albans, right on the river! I shot a video there and actually forgot about it till I started writing this post! Will publish on the YouTube channel soon–so stay tuned!


Original plans for July were to head south to Nags Head, NC, spend a few days with a long lost friend, bring her back to visit her folks here, and a family member would take her back.  However, COVID cases began to rise again there, so we decided to postpone that trip. Disappointing yes, but the fact that she and I reconnected after 35 years brought much joy, and helped me deal with a personal loss that has haunted me for years. For that I will be forever grateful. (God’s love)

Graceland was amazing!

A change in plans did not deter this gal! I joined forces again with my friend Anita, and we still headed south–just not quite as far. We hit Graceland wide open and practically had the place to ourselves! I can’t say enough about it. I had never been and neither had she. We were both astounded!  Although Beale Street was pretty much shut down, we did enjoy Memphis–except for the busted brake line on the the Etta Mae II. You can see that adventure here.  On the way back we also took in Loretta Lynn’s Ranch and Kitchen at Hurricane Mills, TN.


The last day of August brought much sorrow to our family when my Aunt Billie passed away unexpectedly. That generation on my dad’s side are all gone now and what sadness we felt. She left a void that can never be filled, yet after the graveside service, we were able to laugh and remember her and all the wonderful times we had there on my Mamaw and Papaw’s farm. Precious memories for sure. (God’s love shining bright)


As summer came to an end and fall began to takes its place, I spent as much time outside as possible. Even though the world was open again, we saw it continue to spiral downward as the pandemic continued to claim more lives, violence escalated, unemployment rose to astronomical numbers, and the nation became more divided than it has ever been. We wondered if anything would ever be the same…and still do.

Great weekend at the VFW Campground, Franklin, OH

The last weekend of the month found me and my good friend Judy in Franklin, OH at the VFW Campground for an awesome music show.  What an awesome weekend that was! We camped in my camper van, the Etta Mae II, and I lost my keys in the pee pot–but I won the 50/50 pot!   (never a dull moment y’all!) You can see pics and videos from that adventure on the GGC FB page. I so enjoyed getting together again with that family and making a new friend–Lisa. One more to add to that crazy bunch!


My friend Mary came down and joined me for a camp-out in our hometown of Louisa, KY at Lawrence County Park, where we also took in a fun haunted hayride. We had a lot of laughs on that trip– grateful for our friendship.


We witnessed an election like none other and I saw things out of people I wish I hadn’t. Because I believe this year, the pandemic, the election and all the rest is biblical; just scripture being fulfilled, I don’t panic. While the devil is behind the evil, God is on the throne, and all this must pass before the end comes. Not to sound like doom and gloom, just to say if we know Him, we don’t have to worry about any of this!

Sneak peek of camper interior. Full tour coming soon on YouTube channel

I finally finished redoing the interior of my vintage camper this month and had some exterior work done too. To celebrate and do a test run, I took it on a boondocking (no services) trip where my cousins joined me.  What was meant to be a one night camp-out turned into two because we had so much fun! The camper did great and I learned what worked and what didn’t. You can see that short video here…even though it has a typo on the title–it’s a 1974 Bonanza Pinto, not 1976. 

So here we are, Thanksgiving week, 2020. Even with all the bad, sad stuff, I hope you too are able to pull out some positive things from this year. We can only guess what 2021 will bring.  More challenges I’m sure, but the fact is no matter how bad things get, we can always find something to be thankful for.  We don’t have to look very far to find someone who is worse off than we are.  “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”  is not just a saying; I’m living proof of that.  When you can find peace and joy from within your soul, you can survive anything. A video discussing that can be seen here

As we head into the Christmas season, lets make it our mission to promote peace, love, hope, and faith in a world that needs it now more than ever.   I hope your holidays are wonderful and may God bless you all!

Until next time, remember…DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road!






2 thoughts on “Happy Holidays! Sorry…I Did It Again! A Look Back On 2020, Thoughts For 2021

  1. Judy Cameron

    Thank you for all your blogs and most of all making me part of your adventure!.. You are a great lady who loves to travel …may all your dreams come true ..always ready for the next adventure!… See ya down the road ! Your friend Judy !