
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2021 Plans, Updates, Adventures & LIVING Outside The Chaos

Happy New Year Friends!

Greetings from the GGC Office!

I’m “working” this Saturday morning, writing the words of this blog from the GGC office! That’s right–just added my laptop, phone, paper, pen and a cup of coffee to my portable table and walah! I have an office in here! However, what really made it official was my unique office sign.  It was given to me by a very dear family member who is gone now, but whose taste was much like mine–rustic, simple, distressed. It’s another special piece in my camper that makes it my home (permanent someday), and fits perfectly with my western hippie decor. I’m almost finished with the interior of ‘Little Ett,’ and will be doing a video of the full reveal soon so stay tuned!

My GGC Office!

Goodbye 2020!

2021–Can you believe it? I’m sure most people are happy to put 2020 behind them.  It’s been unlike anything we’ve ever seen.  It really wasn’t a bad year for me personally–I’ve seen many worse ones, but I know for some, it has been a true nightmare, and my heart goes out to them.

We’ve all been coping with COVID since last March, dealing with it the best way we can, feeling some reassurance as a closed world began to open up again and come back to some sense of normalcy. The protests, violence, election, political unrest and division, in addition to a worldwide pandemic, was the kicker I think.  When our country should’ve been coming together, helping each other and healing, it instead became more divided than it has been in 150 years.  

2021–What Is Happening?

Despite all that, we entered into the Christmas season with hope for a better year, a stronger country, and a COVID free world.  Then January 6, 2021 happened. There really are no words to describe what we saw at our nation’s capitol. Once again, we witnessed something we never thought we would see.  I’m not a political person. In fact, I despise politics. Sure I have my opinions, but I don’t feel the need to broadcast them because it’s ultimately useless, and could come back to bite you in the ass. I did post a few comments/observations on my personal Facebook page, which is extremely rare, but just some things that immediately came to mind regarding this uncalled for atrocity.

John 14:27

I know a lot of people are afraid, but for me, it’s like…”Well, we’re headed down the home stretch!” It’s just Bible prophecy being fulfilled, and if you’re a believer in God and a follower of Jesus, you don’t really get scared, you get kind of excited because you know this wicked world is coming to an end and a perfect world is at hand. It’s sad to see such turmoil, but all this has to take place before God steps in and establishes his eternal kingdom.

No need to be scared if you’re a believer!

Live Outside The Chaos

So, in a world of complete chaos, I just go on about my business and keep looking up. You see friends, that’s the key. That’s how you remain calm, without fear or worry.  This was all written thousands of years ago and nothing is going to change it.  Whether you believe or not is your choice. For me, I have found a much better life by not being part of the world, even though I have to live in it.  I choose to live outside the chaos. As I always say–I live in my own little world, and it’s awesome there!

Making Plans For 2021!

This time last year I was making plans, getting trips booked, scheduling events, etc…then the shutdown happened and everything got cancelled.  I just rolled with it and still ended up getting to do a lot.  Even though everything is not back 100%, it certainly is better than last year and things seem more doable now, so I’m making plans for 2021! I just did a video discussing upcoming YouTube topics, updates to the website, personal goals, and of course adventures! To see that, click here

Out on the town–in my hometown!

Explore My Hometown!

This week also found me in my hometown of Louisa, KY at Stars & Stripes, a local restaurant/pub, where the food, drinks, and atmosphere is always great.  You can see a video on that here        

Afterwards I headed to the historic Garden Theater, where some friends and I watched a movie premiere, featuring a young actor from our area, Zeb Slone.  I always promote other people, places, and businesses during my travels, and love it when I get to plug my own hometown! If you’re traveling through eastern KY, be sure to visit Louisa, about 20 miles off I-64, on US Rt.23–the ‘Country Music Highway.’

Historic Garden Theater, Louisa, KY

That about does it for now y’all. Once again, Happy New Year! Even though things may look bad, there is always good to be found. Find it and CHOOSE to be happy. I’m looking forward to another year of life!  I would love to have you join me in all the fun.  I’m gonna make it a great year–regardless!

Let’s Stay In Touch!

So be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the blog here at and to the Gal Gone Camping YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything!  Also follow along on Facebook & Instagram. Like, Share, and Comment.  GGC is meant to be interactive, a place where we can share ideas and learn from each other.

Love my office!

Until next time, remember…DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
