
Goodbye Winter, Ice & Flood–Hello Spring! Missing Power Station & Turning 55 In Style!

Hello Friends!

Happy Spring!

Can you believe it? SPRING IS FINALLY HERE! Thank you Jesus!  I just got back from my latest adventure and crossed off another bucket list item! Will be sharing that with y’all soon–along with some great money saving tips!

Goodbye winter, hello spring!!!

Ice Storm

So we sailed through January thinking we had gotten by without too much bad weather, but alas, it was not meant to be.  The week of February 15th brought in a winter ice storm that gripped much of the nation; creating havoc and resulting in a massive power outage across several states, lasting a couple weeks.

Winter Bash & 20 Yr Old Champagne!

As the freezing rain begin to fall, I decided instead of bashing winter, I would have a winter bash–in my camper, and shoot a video discussing ideas of things to do when you have cabin fever.  You can see that video here:

Winter Bash party spread!

So I threw together some party food, popped open a 20 year old bottle of champagne, toasted to surviving 2020, and vowed to make the best of winter–which I despise.  Gotta stay positive right? Less than two hours later the power went off–and stayed off!  A week long off grid adventure ensued, which you can see in a two part video here: Part I: Part II: 

Here’s to surviving 2020!

Missing Power Station

Before the winter storm from Hell arrived, I was thrilled to have finally found and ordered a power station.  I had been researching various models for sometime, trying to find the best one for my needs. I was amazed at what all this one did, so I took the plunge and couldn’t wait for it to be delivered.  Wait I did…and waited, and waited, and waited…called, called, and waited. Turns out it was God knows where in a Fed Ex truck, delayed somewhere in the winter wasteland that caused shipping nightmares everywhere–even though the Fed Ex website said it was in transit; in the same spot every time I checked the tracking number!

I spent a week without electricity, waiting for a generator that never showed up–until two days AFTER the power came back on!  Aggravating for sure, but I made it just fine–because I AM GAL GONE CAMPING y’all… I was just camping in my house! However, I will admit by the time it was all over, I was bashing winter! x#@!&x!  By the way, the power station is AWESOME!  A video on that is coming soon, so be sure and SUBSCRIBE  to the YouTube channel; turn on the notification bell so you don’t miss anything!

Birthday Adventure at ‘America’s Resort!’

My childhood friend Mary, and I, had milestone birthdays coming up the first week in March. Since they fell on  weekdays, we penciled in the last weekend of February to do something memorable.  We decided on a road trip through the mountains of WV to the world renowned Greenbrier, ‘America’s Resort,’ in White Sulphur Springs. Words cannot describe it! This is a must see/must do!

The Greenbrier Resort, White Sulphur Springs, WV

Built in 1778, the Greenbrier became famous for the sulfur springs that have drawn people to the area for centuries to bathe in the healing waters.  When we arrived it was snowing–but this was how snow should be…big, soft flakes falling gently, just like in a snow globe. The white snow descending with the all white Greenbrier in the background was enchanting.  I felt like I was in a postcard. Above freezing temps made the cold tolerable and ensured the snow would be gone by the next day.

It was like a postcard!

By morning, the snow was indeed gone, and the second day consisted of exploring this monumental structure that posed one beautiful, inviting vignette after another, browsing the shops, learning what all this incredible place has to offer–everything from ice skating, horseback riding and jeep adventures, to swimming, bowling, fishing, and world class golf–just to name a few.  I’m telling you, it’s like a cruise ship on land–a true resort. Check out their website to view all the attractions and special packages.  You gotta go–you’ll never forget it! More pics from the Greenbrier here:

Pricey? For this blue collar gal, yes, BUT–this is a once in a lifetime occasion, and you can’t take it with ya. You only live once, so as I always say….DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!  The price is not so bad when you take advantage of their special offers–we chose the bed and breakfast package.  Even better when you split the cost with a buddy!  That’s a favorite GGC travel tip y’all!  Watch the birthday adventure here:  

Red carpet flair!

We were aware that the snow turned into rain, but being inside a royal palace, soaking in a private sulfur bath, then a hot stone massage (my first–OMG!), then enjoying an incredible meal along with a superb bottle of Moscato…and oh yea, a surprise birthday cake–well we just didn’t notice…or care.

They do everything top notch here!


We said goodbye to the Greenbrier in the rain (sounds like a song!). It rained all the way home.  It rained all night–it rained hard.  By Monday morning, March 1st, I was flooded in, as was most of eastern KY, along with parts of WV and OH.  I spent my actual birthday watching the river I live beside of rising higher and higher. Though I’ve lived on the river most of my life, this was the highest it had gotten since 1977 when I was a kid.  For the first time in 44 years, I was actually worried that it might get to my house.  Biblical y’all–I’m telling ya, all this stuff that’s happening in the world is just scripture being fulfilled.

Pepper keeping watch on the water level

Water was over the road on both ends, so I was stuck.  I’m able to work from home sometimes, so figured I’d use that option.  I had just started when the power went off.  Most people would think “Not again!” But I was like ” Whoohoo, now I can try out my power station!” (I am so NOT NORMAL y’all!)  See flood video here:

Best Part About The Flood…

Looks like 2021 is proving to be quite an adventure and we’re not even through the first quarter!  Always keep in mind there’s two ways to look at things. Draw on the positives of each incident–it will serve you well. In every situation, good or bad, you will learn something from it.

No traffic for 3 days! It was glorious!

Many people experienced loss and property damage; as this flood left a wake of destruction in its path.  I did a lot of praying and God was merciful–the water crested about 10 feet from reaching the level at which my house sits.  I rejoiced and enjoyed every moment! What was positive about being stranded for three days? There was no traffic!

Until next time, remember…DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
