
Tech Saga Continues, Contest Winner, 37 Yr Reunion? It’s A Girl, Camp Nelson & 1st OFFICIAL Test Video!

Hello Friends!

Happy July!  2021 is half over! Can you believe it?! I’m tellin ya, June was an absolute blur for me; I had so much going on…just about shot my nerves!  Hopefully July will be less stressful.

Hey Y’all!

Technical Issues…Ongoing Saga

As you know, I’ve had technical difficulties since April.  I finally got the host/server issues resolved and all was going well…for a while.  I posted the Summer Sizzle Contest video fine,  then the following week I was set to give away the prize, live on YouTube.  Well, (this was my fault, didn’t research first) turns out you can’t post live on YouTube from cell phone unless you have 1,000 subscribers (which I do not have).  You can however, post live on YouTube from your computer with webcam, which I was going to do, BUT the live feature has to be activated by YouTube–which takes up to 24 hrs! I did not have time for that, so the only thing left to do was shoot a recorded video and upload as close to the prize give away time as possible.

Prize–$50 value!

Prize–$50 Amazon Gift Card

It gets worse!…So I’m rushing my guts out, trying to record and upload the video, and then the editing software crashed…at the very moment I had to upload onto YouTube! This was a time sensitive video because June 20 was when the prize was to be given away…which was a $50 Amazon gift card, and I was trying to give away in time for the winner to use it during Prime days; June 21 and 22!  CONGRATULATIONS to the winner: Virginia Lynn Opell by the way!

I ended up having to purchase an entirely new editing software program!  It makes me nauseous just typing this–reliving a technology nightmare!  Can you see why I was so stressed??? To make matters worse, TODAY…when I started writing THIS post, I find that my drafts are not being saved….AGAIN!…which is the same $@&%%XX!! problem I was having before with the web host/server!!! Looks like I’m gonna have to get on the horn AGAIN to try to get this fixed. Please pray for me!!!

Sometimes ya just gotta stop, go for a walk, and smell…the lillies

LCHS Class of ’84–Why 37 Year Reunion?

While these issues made me feel like I was having a nervous breakdown and drove me to drinking (more), there were some great moments in June.  My Lawrence County High School class mates and I celebrated the mighty Class of 1984 with a reunion/campout at Lawrence County Park/Campground near Yatesville Lake in Louisa, KY, our hometown!

I know what you’re thinking…”Why a 37th year reunion? Why the odd number?” Well, sadly y’all, we lost two more classmates within three months…in addition to the staggering number we had already lost…a total of 18! Our hearts were broken, so we decided to do it now!  Why wait till the 40th year?…just so it will be an even number? Our class was always a close group.  We’ve remained friends all these years, and have kept in touch with each other for the most part.  We had a 5, 10, 20, and 30 year reunion, and so now that we’re all getting older, and have lost so many already, we said “We’re not waiting!” Lord knows how many more of us will be gone in three more years.

Part of the ’84 gang…not waiting on 40 yrs for reunion!

This is exactly the message of Gal Gone Camping:  DON’T WAIT TO LIVE! That’s how I sign off all my blog posts and YouTube videos.  Our reunion is a true example of that sentiment. Do not putt off stuff you wanna do!  Before you know it, 20 or 30 years have gone by and you will either not be here or you won’t have the physical capabilities anymore.  Do it now!  I had a friend tell me at that reunion that he always wanted to see the giant redwood trees of northern California.  I said “Do it!” I really hope he does.

Baby Shower & Birthdays!

If you’ve been following GGC, you know that I’m having a granddaughter!  She’s due Nov. 2nd and I’m still in shock; as I didn’t think my son and daughter-in-law would have any of their own–neither did they! It was not planned, so we were all in disbelief, but totally amazed at God’s plan to add a little girl to this family. What a blessing!

No, not me silly…I’m having a GRANDDAUGHTER!

So, I just got back from the baby shower this past weekend in Danville, KY–where my DIL’s family lives.  What a great time we all had!  It was so good to be with my kiddos again; even got to be with my son ON his birthday, and an early birthday celebration with my grandson. (His is next week).  This doesn’t normally happen–since they live in TX now.

I Finally Stopped!

You know how you pass by a certain place over and over again, saying you’re gonna stop there sometime…but you never do?  Well, I had done that at a particular location near Danville–the Camp Nelson National Cemetery in Nicholasville, KY.  I camped at the Camp Nelson RV Park before, but never stopped at the cemetery.

Great place to stretch your legs in the Nicholasville, KY area

Y’all know what a history buff I am and I love old cemeteries too.  I got an early start back home last Sunday and took my own advice again:  DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!–so I stopped, and I’m glad I did.  It is a beautiful, peaceful place. It was early in the morning, cool, and no one there but me. I took time to take pics, reflect on what happened there, and remember the fallen–all who served and died for freedom and a cause they believed in.

Definitely worth a stop!

Camp Nelson National Cemetery

If you’re not familiar with it, Camp Nelson started out as a supply depot and a hospital for Union troops during the Civil War. Later, it became a huge recruitment and training center for African American soldiers, and a camp for their wives and children.  Thousands of slaves escaped to this site, hoping to join the Union Army to help end slavery.  23,300 slaves were freed here when they enlisted.

I LOVE history!

General William “Bull” Nelson was commissioned by President Lincoln to establish this recruitment camp.  General Nelson had great success during his military career. He barely escaped being captured after he was shot at the Battle of Richmond in 1862. Ironically, just a month later, during a second heated argument, he was shot by a fellow officer who he had previously insulted publicly.  That officer never stood trial for the murder of General Nelson. Hmmm…reckon he knew the judge or something? I love history!

Sad, but peaceful place

Camp Nelson covered 4,000 acres back then,  After the Civil War was over, 2,000 dead were removed from various areas of KY–including 975 from the Battle of Perryville–KY’s largest Civil War battle–not far from here.  When this became a national cemetery, others would be buried here from later wars; including the Spanish-American War. WW I & II, Korea, and Vietnam. Now, the area also includes a park with a museum.

Adventure To Be Continued…

As much as I would’ve loved to seen the whole thing on this trip–I did have to get home to 3  hungry doggies and a kitty cat.   Had I not taken another detour–trying to find the KY Palisades Nature Preserve, I would’ve had time to do ALL of Camp Nelson.  Why do signs not always say how may miles it is to the attraction??!!  That burns me up!!  I finally found the nature preserve–or at least I guess it was.  It said “Dupre Nature Preserve” on the sign there.  WTH?? If anyone knows anything about this, please comment and let me know.

Whatever it’s called, it looked enticing with a couple of trails leading off into the wilderness.  I didn’t have time to hike the trails–but at least I know now where it is.  Next time I will do the trails and the rest of Camp Nelson.  Oh the adventures I have lined up y’all!  Even if you have to break them up into sections sometimes, that’s ok. Just do it! LIVE NOW and go on as many adventures as you can!

Excited about this!…and I can’t wait to get back to the lake!

First OFFICAL Product Test Video!

If y’all have been following along on the YouTube channel, you know I do product reviews on items I’ve found to be useful and have worked well for me.  I’m not an affiliate with any company except QVC, Workamper News and Harvest Hosts.  Well…I was recently contacted by a company, asking if I would be interested in doing a test video of their product on my YouTube channel! At first I was skeptical because I’m just small time; not many subscribers, but turns out it was all legit.  They sent the product, I did the video, and they are offering a 25% discount with a special code for all who purchase now thru July 7!  I will receive a small commission on any orders placed with my code.  Find out all about it here:

You Can Help!

It might not sound like much, but I’m super excited about it! This is part of what I’ve been working toward with the Gal Gone Camping YouTube channel. I know it’s small, but it’s a start–and you gotta start somewhere right?  Y’all can help the channel grow by SUBSCRIBING, LIKING & SHARING the videos.  Same goes for the blog here, Facebook & Instagram.  I would certainly appreciate your support.

Love these water shoes! Thanks SEEKWAY! Should’ve shave my legs!

Well, guess that catches us up for now–although I’m still behind on videos, so stay tuned to the YouTube channel!  I hope everyone has a happy and safe Fourth of July!

Until next time, remember...DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
