
Explore Your Own Backyard! Where My Heart Lives, RV Flea Market & Summer Holidays

Hello Friends!

Things are heating up now y’all!  How’s your summer going?  I know my winter loving pals are ready to kill me, but I LOVE every minute of spring and summer! I’m a barefoot, long day loving, sun worshipping, water dog who will someday Lord willing, spend the winter season in the great Southwest and NEVER again be in the cold…EVER!


Explore Your Own Backyard

We all love to travel to far off locations for fun and excitement, but don’t forget what’s in your own backyard!  I think we become blinded to what’s in our own region because we just know its there. However, if you really look, you will more than likely find some cool places you didn’t know about; or maybe you knew about it, but never visited. So be sure and check out those locations.

I’m doing a series “Explore Your Own Backyard” on the Gal Gone Camping YouTube channel where I will be sharing some of my “backyard” adventures. If you’re ever traveling through that region, take time to stop and explore.  My first video in this series takes place at Paintsville Lake State Park in Johnson Co., KY where I’m swimming with the geese, and in Martin Co., near the town of Inez, in an awesome off-road adventure that takes me through a creek, an old strip mine, and hard core hiking to an awesome rock formation known as “Devil’s Bow.” See that video here:

Camping & Music–Great Combo!

Y’all know how I love music…well, recently I attended an awesome 2-day music festival where I heard some of the best bands EVER! This was in my hometown area (another backyard adventure!) where it was boondock camping only.  Temps hit the 90 degree mark, but a breeze was almost always blowing and the evenings actually got kinda cold. (This was in May) It was a great opportunity to use my power bank and off-grid gadgets in the camper. More about that adventure in an upcoming post, but here’s a sneak peek…

My window view

Discovery Leads To Invitation!

As you know, I am catching up on posts and YouTube videos, due to some prolonged technical issues, so they’re running behind somewhat.  Backtracking to April…I went on a super cool 4-wheeling and trailblazing adventure with some new friends, one of which is a Geologist from the University of Kentucky; documenting ‘undiscovered’ natural arch rock formations in eastern KY!

“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”

A couple years ago, on one of my solo hikes in my hometown area, I discovered a small natural bridge which was super cool, but didn’t think too much about it. I was later contacted by a lady in the neighboring county who had done some volunteer work with our local extension office, and who also shared my interest in rock formations. She was doing some research with a couple guys who were working on this documenting project, and all were anxious to see it.

My little discovery from a couple years ago

Rocky Expedition!

After that, they invited me to go on their next expedition, to measure and document a quite large natural arch formation in a nearby county.  OMG! I don’t know which impressed me more, that incredible rock configuration, or these folks who were truly old school trail blazers like me–not just hikers!

We went as far as we could on an off road vehicle, until by-products from February’s ice storm began to appear.  We then ventured on foot into about a 4 mile maze of brush and fallen trees which had us squatting, crawling, and ducking underneath one minute, then climbing and rolling overtop the next…and that was BEFORE  we got to the hill we had to climb!

 Navigating this took a while!

Was it worth it?  You bet it was! To see this astounding natural work of art along with a cool cave and sheer rock face was amazing! The feeling I got when I reached our destination had me higher than the mountain ridge I was standing on!  I may not be as fast as I used to be, but this gal has still got it y’all! 

It may be called ‘Devil’s Bow,’ but God is the architect!

What an incredible experience this was! Not only to have the opportunity to see this beautiful site, but to meet some new folks who are interested in my love of geology! I wouldn’t hesitate to go trailblazing again with them anywhere!

My geology buddies and hard core hikers!

What goes up must come down, so we made the long trek back to civilization, and as always, I found myself wanting to stay in the wilderness just a little longer.  See what I mean about exploring your own backyard?  I never knew some of these places existed…all of which are not far from my home! You’ll see this adventure in the video link mentioned above. See more pics here:

Another great adventure in the books!

Where My Heart Lives

I also got to spend some precious family time on my grandparents’ old farm–where I spent so much of my time growing up; mentioned on the About page of this site.  As much as I’ve traveled, and of all the wonderful destinations I’ve experienced, there is no other place that brings my heart such joy as being back to the old homeplace. I cherish the memories made here above all others. It is where my heart truly lives.

Enjoying some down time–down on the farm

My Favorite RV Dealership

I also got to visit my favorite RV dealership, Setzer’s World of Camping, where I participated in their annual RV Flea Market Day.  What fun that was! I ran into a couple camping buddies, and did a video clip with the owner, Lynn: Be sure and visit their website: and stop in when you’re in the area. They’re located right off I-64, in Barboursville, WV. They’ll make you a great deal on a great camper!

Setzer’s World of Camping, Barboursville, WV

Memorial Day is behind us and we just celebrated our nation’s birthday.  Let’s remember all the ones who sacrificed so much so we can be free–as well as all the men and women who are serving now.  Hope everyone is enjoying the summer holidays as we remember our own loved ones who have passed on, but will remain in our hearts forever.

Until next time, remember…DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
