
Female Solo Travelers, Why The Stigma? Tips To Overcome Society’s Fear

Hello Friends!

Fall is here y’all! Best time to travel! I love a festival anytime of the year, but it seems fall festivals are the best. I just attended Septemberfest, our fall festival in my hometown of Louisa, KY, (solo) and Poage Landing Days in Ashland, KY (solo).  I love to plan a trip around a festival as the main attraction, find a great campsite or other overnight spot, and check out all the sites nearby.

Septemberfest, Louisa, KY

Solo Adventure

That’s exactly what I did back in July, when I traveled to Greenville, OH for the Annie Oakley Festival.  I camped, took in the festival, explored the surrounding area, did some hiking, a little shopping, ate at an iconic local restaurant, and much more. Everything about that trip was fantastic; could not have been any better. See that adventure here below:

Part 1:

Part 2:

What’s Your Reaction?

I felt so free, confident, happy, empowered, independent, and blessed that I am able to travel; doing things I love to do.  This was one of many solo adventures for me, and I had an absolute blast–again!  What is your first reaction to what I just told you? I really want to know; as I am interested in your perception of solo female traveling. Please comment below.

A couple days after I got home, I was telling one of my good friends about my trip and what a wonderful time I had.  The response was: “You went by yourself?” At that moment, it was like… someone burst my balloon.  Of course that feeling just lasted a few minutes, and I was already planning my next solo adventure.   My friend did not mean anything by it at all, however, it made me realize…that is how the majority of people think. Sad, but true.

If They Only Knew!

They think that because no one (especially a man) went with me, that I couldn’t possibly have had a good time. (If they only knew! LOL!) So, if a female is not married, doesn’t have a significant other, or not traveling with a friend or family member, she must be miserable–really???  Oh…contraire, Padre! I’ll let you in on a little secret…traveling solo is better than you could ever imagine!  I had the time of my life–but then again, I always do!

Enjoying the morning in Greenville, OH

Now don’t get me wrong–I do like traveling with a companion sometimes. Of course I enjoy doing things with other people, but I don’t require another individual or group to be happy and have a good time. I never did.  Is that because I was born with a gypsy spirit and an adventurous soul? Probably.  I’m an only child too, which also has a lot to do with it I guess.  I’ve always been a loner.  I’ve been divorced a long time, but even when I was married, I still enjoyed doing things by myself. Actually, I don’t think I was ever cut out for marriage; but then again, I never had the right person–well, I did, but he died.  Anyway….that’s another story (circumstances).

Be Prepared

I know several people who got together with wrong person just because they were lonely and  wanted someone in their life. After the new wore off, it turned into a disaster and now they are miserable.  Why would I do that? Why would anyone do that when there’s alternatives to ward off loneliness? I think people confuse lonely with lonesome.  There is a difference ya know.  I’ll be talking about that in a separate post/video, so stay tuned.

It’s not healthy for people to be attached at the hip with someone.  I mean, honestly, what is going to happen when the couple becomes a party of one? The relationship may end for whatever reason, and death is coming to all of us. Women and men need to know how to live alone and be independent.  Love and a great relationship is wonderful, but be prepared when its gone. Learn to live and thrive solo!  Some may say this is a selfish thought, but I don’t think so.  I think it’s realistic, healthy, and smart.

On the road again…solo!

Don’t Let Society Place Boundaries On You!

What I’m trying to say is–I want people to know its ok to travel and do things solo.  There is a stigma associated with it, due to what society projects, but why should you let anyone place boundaries on you?  No one has the right to make another person feel uncomfortable. Just because someone is solo, they shouldn’t feel awkward, left out, or humiliated.

I’ve always been a better writer than I am a speaker, but I did do a video on this subject. Watch here:  Maybe you will get something out of it. I just want to inspire women to not feel uncomfortable out and about just because you are not “with anyone.”  Don’t let anything hold you back from doing the things you want to do.  The more solo experiences you have, the more you will conquer your fear, feelings of embarrassment, loneliness, what people think (who cares?), or whatever. Those feelings of doubt will soon be replaced with confidence, independence, empowerment, freedom, and joy!

At the movies alone….and loving it!

Outside Your Comfort Zone? Take Baby Steps

How many of you have ever went to see a movie, play, or concert by yourself? That’s a good place to start.  I just went to see my silver screen hero’s new movie by myself.  Tip–see a matinee–no crowds, great seats, less expensive. That’s what I did, but not because I was concerned about being there alone.  It was because I was working in the area where there’s a super nice theater, the next showing coincided with my schedule, and I wanted to get home before it got too late (my fur babies expect supper on time!) I would’ve been fine going to an evening show, but I try to avoid crowds. (Was doing that long before COVID!)

Try a movie first, then build up to eating a meal in a restaurant, and eventually, a solo trip! Remember, there are groups you can be a part of if you don’t want to travel totally alone.  A couple I belong to are Sisters-on-the Fly and Girl Camper. I really do enjoy their events, but I still crave my solo adventures–it’s just who I am. 

You can do it! Take baby steps whenever stepping out of your comfort zone.  Little by little, you will build up your confidence and reap the benefits, I promise. Just because your circumstances may not be exactly like you would like them to be, does not mean your experiences should be any less than wonderful.  Attached or detached, be beautifully bold and brave!

Until next time, remember…DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
