
Guilty! Don’t Do What I Did! Missing The RTR, Ice Mishap, Sorry For What I Said & Travel Tray

Hello Friends!

Don’t Fall On The Ice!

Last day of January! One day closer to spring! Praise Jesus!  Y’all might get tired of hearing me bitch about winter, but I have one more reason: ICE…especially the kind you can’t see or the kind mixed with mud.  Yea, that’s right, this old gal took a pretty bad fall last week.

Last day of January!

I fell at the Dollar General as I was finishing loading my purchases into the passenger seat.  I was walking around the front of the vehicle to get into my side, and fell on muddy slushy ice I guess. Didn’t see it, but I hit the ground before I knew what happened; fell directly on my knee…hard.  So hard, it took my breath. I froze in that position for a minute or two just to get my bearings–like the Griswold’s in the scene where the S.W.A.T team swoops in!

When I managed to get into the van I felt like I had to poo poo.  Laughing uncontrollably, I thought to myself:  “I reckon you could say that knocked the – – – – out of me!”  Humorous yes, but it was no laughing matter by that evening and the next day; as I could barely walk.  I’m better now thank the Lord; so grateful I didn’t bust my kneecap. PLEASE be careful y’all!  Watch every step you take and don’t do what I did!

Took a spill on the ice! That’s a dog hair, not mine I swear!

“What You Did Was Highly Illegal!”

“I didn’t mean to do anything wrong” I said to the officer as he came up to my vehicle.  So here’s what happened…I was on my way to do something that wasn’t a have to case that day, and came upon an accident with traffic backed up for miles.  As I approached the scene, I slowed down, thinking if I can turn around somewhere I can get out of this mess.

This was on a 4-lane highway, and I thought I had just passed one of those U-turn sections in the middle of the road where I could turn around and head back.  I thought I could get on the shoulder in my lane and back up to where it was, or turn around onto the other shoulder (where I would be facing traffic), and get to it that way.  I guess neither option was legal, but I chose the latter, which apparently was the worst choice.

I could see perfectly and nothing was coming. There was no danger at all, but it was just not something you’re allowed to do…especially with state and local law enforcement everywhere. I figured they would understand I was trying to turn around and get out of the way.  So I turned onto the shoulder, going very slowly, looking for the U-turn spot.

As soon as I did, here came an officer (Sheriff, actually).  I rolled down my window to explain.  Astonishingly, he asked “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”  I told him I thought I had just passed the U-turn section and was going to turn around so as to not get caught in that mess.  He said “What you did was highly illegal” and that I was “very close to getting a citation.” I apologized. He said I needed to turn around and get in line or go a different way.

Don’t break the law!

Having no choice, I went on, did what I had to do; hoping the accident would all be cleared up by the time I got back–and it was.  I felt bad for doing what I did.  Like I said, there was no traffic coming and there was no danger of getting hit, but…I broke the law, and the officer was just doing his job. Don’t do what I did! See video of this guilty gal here: 

Goodbye Ben!

Y’all know I’m a HUGE Pittsburg Steelers fan and we all know they didn’t do well this year…and we knew it was a possibility that this could be Big Ben’s last year. (Ben Roethlisberger, Steelers Quarterback for the past 18 years for those of you who are not NFL fans).

Back in November, during that blowout loss to the Bengals, I got so aggravated I went out and filmed a video for the channel.  I mentioned how disgusted I was with them and questioned if it was a time for a new quarterback, among other changes.  Well…they miraculously made it to a wildcard position in the playoffs, and I held on, hoping for another miracle, but it wasn’t meant to be. After that, Ben officially announced his retirement.  I am crushed!!! Though I knew his career was coming to an end…I wasn’t ready for it.  I’m sad and wish I hadn’t said what I did.  Although we’re just talking football, there is a takeaway here for serious matters: Think before you speak! Don’t do what I did!

I’m sorry for what I said! Miss you already!

Missing the RTR

Well…I missed the RTR again. I’ve been trying to get out there for about 4 years now! If you haven’t heard of it, the RTR stands for Rubber Tramp Rendezvous. It’s a big rally pertaining to the nomadic lifestyle, held in Quartzite, AZ every year in January.  Started about 12 years ago by Cheap RV Living Founder, and Homes on Wheels Alliance Co-Founder, Bob Wells, the rally hosts various seminars on everything about living mobile.

Perfect weather there this time of year for such an event, however, January in Kentucky is a different story.  Unpredictable, winter here can be mild with barely any snow or it can be super cold with an ice storm.  Planning to be gone during this time is difficult; as I have make sure my house/pet sitters can get here and still take care of their place.  Road conditions could pose a problem for sure.

I’m NOT in Arizona!

Hopefully I can make it next year.  The clock’s ticking and I’m only getting older! If you plan to live on the road full or part time, or have even slightly considered it, you should make plans to attend the RTR next year too. Maybe I’ll see ya there!  Don’t do what I did! Don’t miss the RTR!  Also held in Quartzite around the same time in January, is the Quartzite RV Show, also known as The Big Tent….with tons of vendors!

So I told you where I’m NOT (in sunny AZ!) Comment and say hello from wherever y’all are this winter or where you would like to be. I’d love to hear from you!

Yay For Travel Tray!

I got a cool little item as a Christmas gift from a friend, and am just now getting around to trying it out. This Multi-Purpose Auto Travel Tray by RYDZ fits on your steering wheel to create a perfect surface for eating, writing, using a laptop, etc. One side has indentions for a cup and plate, the other side is smooth.

Lightweight, but very sturdy and easy to use.  I love it!  Other brands are also available at  Amazon for $9.99 as of this writing.  I think this one was from Ollies–an awesome bargain buyout chain in the eastern part of the US.

The first time I saw this used was by Linda of Serene & Simple Life. Check out her YouTube channel See the tray in my minivan here:

Love this travel tray!

Coming Up… 

That’s about all for now folks.  Coming up, I’ll be testing my version of a candle heater, trying out a heated throw to see how many watts it pulls on my power station, showing you an awesome storage piece I found for my minivan camper, locator apps & more!  Stay tuned!

Until next time, remember….DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
