
Happy New Year! Adventures, Hurricance Helene, Unbelievable Campground & Product Reviews

Hello Gal Pals!

Answered Prayers

Happy New Year! It’s been a while. Either I have lost my mind, or the draft of my last post is missing! Both are a good possibility. So much going on all the time it seems.  At this writing, my youngest dog is getting over an illness.  I feared the worst for a while but thank the Lord he is going to pull through! I’m so thankful. He may be 8 1/2 years old, but he is still my baby puppy. My Gracie Lou is 13…I’m always concerned about her, so this caught me off guard. So thankful for my wonderful vet clinic and a God who answers prayers.

My baby River Pup


I’ll move quickly to get in updates since last post. The latter part of 2024 has been good for the most part. From discovering a natural spring in the middle of nowhere to playing at a songwriters’ round at the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame, (video): my adventures also included exploring a couple old cemeteries, another beautiful historic home, first visit to Buc-ee’s, and actually walking/driving on the original Wilderness Road!

Traveling the Old Wilderness Road

Other highlights included visiting a hero’s homeplace at Davy Crocket Birthplace State Park in Tennessee, (video): camping alongside the Nolichucky River where the sand looks like sea glass, and my first official caravan trip! More adventure videos coming soon.

North Carolina-Hurricane Helene

The most memorable adventure, however, was at Chimney Rock, NC and surrounding area, where I camped on the Broad River just 3 weeks before Hurricane Helene. I still can’t comprehend the magnitude of that disaster and how it made me feel. My kids live just an hour south of Ashville.

Chimney Rock Sate Park, Chimney Rock, NC, pre-Helene

They made it through ok but was very difficult; as I couldn’t get to them, and they couldn’t get to me. Communication and services were sparse, but worry was plentiful. I will forever be affected by the whole incident. The time I spent there, the people I met, and not knowing if they all survived or not…it’s etched in my heart.
Video Part 1: 
Video Part 2:


Camping on the Broad River, Hickory Nut Falls Campground, Chimney Rock, NC. Pre-Hurricane Helene

Hodge Podge

In between these escapades, I attended my 40-yr high school reunion, went on a fun Myrtle Beach girls’ trip, captured some incredible nature photos, played several open mic venues, and experienced a very embarrassing accident that resulted in a black eye!

One of my nature photos: Sweet little praying mantis; looked like he was in deep thought

I’m sure I’m forgetting some things, which is why I need to make these posts more frequent as well as having more opportunities to see how ya’ll are doing!

Playing a few original tunes, downtown Prestonsburg, KY

Lock Ridge Park-Not Your Average Campground!

On my most recent adventure, I discovered a unique new campground where my campsite happened to be next to covered wagons! Other accommodations included a luxurious loft with its own hot tub and ‘tube-o-tels’ with just the basics, but so cool! What they called ‘the barn’ was actually a humongous 2-story rec-room where I watched the game on a multiple TV wall, helped myself to food prepared in the built-in kitchen and served at the bar. I also enjoyed a beautiful sunset over Lake Herrington in Lancaster, KY.

Camping alongside covered wagons at Lock Ridge Park

Lock Ridge Park is a distinctive, quirky campground where repurposed materials are used with beautiful attention to detail and neon trim is used everywhere…a little touch of Vegas where you least expect it! The owners are super nice folks who have lots of plans to add to this existing awesomeness. Just a short distance away, I explored a dead-end road leading to an old abandoned house and a historic closed off bridge which I walked across just because I could! Video coming soon.

Lock Ridge Park, Lancaster, KY

New Products-Video of Reviews

I discovered a few more great products and became affiliated with another awesome company: Avini Health-Advances in Natural Healing: Even though I didn’t get it published until the day after Christmas, my last video is a review on these items:

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and off to a Happy New Year!

So, here we are in 2025, hard to believe! Thank you all for your support. It’s been a joy to read your comments, interact with you and share this crazy Gal’s life who most don’t understand. I don’t know what the new year has in store, but I will probably have to limit my travels somewhat; as my mom’s health is declining more and more. However, I will continue to move forward even if it’s at a slower pace. I pray 2025 is a happy, healthy, prosperous year for everyone. God Bless you all.

Until next time, remember… DON’T WAIT TO LIVE!

See ya down the road,
