Hello Friends! Don’t Fall On The Ice! Last day of January! One day closer to spring! Praise Jesus! Y’all might get tired of hearing me bitch about winter, but I have one more reason: ICE…especially the kind you can’t see…
Happy New Year! Catching Up…Backroads, Hocking Hills, G-Baby, New Campground & More!
Hello Friends! Hope ya’ll are doing well. Just wanted to say Happy New Year, and catch up a little. Even though I have continued to publish videos on the YouTube channel and posts on the GGC Facebook page, I haven’t…
Solo Traveling/Minivan Camping, “Ticket Booth Tent,” Friday the 13th Campout & A Western Hero Adventure In OH??
Hello Friends! As I look back at my last post, I realize I’m behind again…no surprise there right! Well I’ve been busy y’all! What can I say? Work stuff, home stuff, family stuff….but a lot of fun stuff too! How…
FREE City Camping on the Kanawha River, Salute to Rosie the Riveter & Favorite Travel Apps/Sites
Hello Friends! As you know, I’m backed up…no, not that kind LOL! (although I do have that problem occasionally!) I’m backtracking, trying to get blogs and YouTube videos published; where I got behind due to three months of technical problems. The…
Explore Your Own Backyard! Where My Heart Lives, RV Flea Market & Summer Holidays
Hello Friends! Things are heating up now y’all! How’s your summer going? I know my winter loving pals are ready to kill me, but I LOVE every minute of spring and summer! I’m a barefoot, long day loving, sun worshipping,…
Tech Saga Continues, Contest Winner, 37 Yr Reunion? It’s A Girl, Camp Nelson & 1st OFFICIAL Test Video!
Hello Friends! Happy July! 2021 is half over! Can you believe it?! I’m tellin ya, June was an absolute blur for me; I had so much going on…just about shot my nerves! Hopefully July will be less stressful. Technical Issues…Ongoing…
Following DB on the Sheltowee Trace, Technical Nightmares, SOTF Fun, Contest & More!
Hello Friends! Well, we are nearing the halfway mark into 2021! How can that be?? You know time is not actually speeding up; guess we’re just slowing down–at least I am. I’m finding it harder and harder to keep up! …
Goodbye Winter, Ice & Flood–Hello Spring! Missing Power Station & Turning 55 In Style!
Hello Friends! Happy Spring! Can you believe it? SPRING IS FINALLY HERE! Thank you Jesus! I just got back from my latest adventure and crossed off another bucket list item! Will be sharing that with y’all soon–along with some great money…
No Oven? No Milk? No Problem! HOMEMADE Camper Stove Cornbread & Magic Ingredient! Plus Urban Adventure!
Hello Friends! Is It Spring Yet??? Happy February! We’re one month closer to spring praise God! I’m sitting here covered up with a warm blanket, with my fur babies in my home state of KY; writing to y’all, dreaming of…
Happy Holidays! Sorry…I Did It Again! A Look Back On 2020, Thoughts For 2021
Hello Friends! Well, I did it again y’all, I let too much time lapse since my last post. It would be very easy to blame it on 2020, but that would be a lie. The truth is, this gal just…