Hello Friends! Merry Christmas! I know you’re all feeling jinglely jolly and totally in the Christmas spirit right? What–you’re not??? This is the most joyful time of the year isn’t it? Aren’t we all supposed to be singing Christmas carols…
Stay Calm, De-Stress, Simplify…12 Tips To Make Your Life More Peaceful!
Hello Friends, I know! It’s been a while since my last post! I’ve been busy trying to get my YouTube channel going…shewww, that is work, and I need your help! If you all would be so kind to hop over…
Tidbits, Tips & Info on Assorted Travel/Camping Topics…11 Ideas You May Want To Try!
Hello Friends! Like many of you, I am staying close to home base, even though I am outside nearly every single day; enjoying this beautiful spring weather! (See my latest adventure on the Gal Gone Camping Facebook and Instagram pages–please…
FEAR–Real Or Imagined? 5 Ways To Work Through Those Worries & Stay Safe!
Hello Friends! I’ve always said “The farther away from people I can be; the better.” Who knew there would someday be something known as “social distancing,” and just like that–I am suddenly COOL!? Not that I’m a complete introvert, I…
Notes From Nashville! 12 Tips To Make Your Music City Moments The Best, Trivia Question That Scored Me A Free Trip!
Hello Friends! I just got back from Music City USA a few weeks ago and although I’ve been there several times, this trip was extra special because I got to go with one of my dearest friends, Mary. We were…
12 Mistakes That Can Haunt Your Camping/RVing Trip!
Hello Friends! It’s that bewitching time of year again; as Halloween is quickly approaching. Some of you are probably winding down your camping trips and have maybe even begun winterizing your rigs. I know–it’s horrifying to think about! Some of…
Hikers & Bikers Paradise Found In OH, Star Of Yellow Springs,Tips Discovered While Boondocking!
Hello Friends! Finally Fall! After enduring what may be have been the hottest September on record, Fall is finally here! I hope everyone out there is enjoying it–I certainly am! I just got back from an awesome weekend trip with…
10 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Travel Plazas, Visitor Centers & Rest Areas!
Hello Friends! Can you believe it is September already? Fall will be here soon–great camping and travel weather! I just got back from Texas and discovered some super cool places in OK and AR as well. Will tell you more…